
Thank you for visiting our pages. We would love it if you would Add to this guestbook we are keeping!
In response to Banjo"s entry. Those were 5 foot long straight rusty pipes me & Cary played musket armed soldiers with...over 50 years ago! We have lost another dear kinfolk.Zella Calliham died suddenly of an heart attack. She lost her husband Thomas just a few months ago. She was very nice, soft spoken with a great sense of humor.She is survived by two sons Gary & Allen. Another son Larry passed away several years ago. They lived in Mississippi and it was difficult to make the Reunions in Calliham . I kept some contact with them by e-mail. Thomaas" eyesight began to fail due to Diabetes. I know they will be together with the Lord . JD
J D Bedwell <>
"Chiggerville" , TX. USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 at 17:25:10 (EDT)
It's a busy Sunday here on the old website (5/29/05). The girls have returned from the past, planet W looms and Lefty waxes eloquently about the Brown Bess musket! Good stuff! I never thought of wheelbarrow handles as bearing resemblance to muskets....but now that you mention it.
USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 at 00:14:55 (EDT)
Nice site. Please also visit mine, it's loaded with links to online casinos and sportsbooks. 100 Casinos : Click Here - 
Leanna King
- Tuesday, May 17, 2005 at 01:51:21 (EDT)
Life is something that everyone should try at least once. I like your site ;)telecharger winamp
Telecharger Serial <>
telecharge winamp, telecharge winamp France - Saturday, May 14, 2005 at 17:17:37 (EDT)
Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. --
Telecharger nero <>
Other - Friday, May 13, 2005 at 02:03:20 (EDT)
The CALLIHAM FAMILY REUNION will be Sat. June 4th, "05 at the Calliham Community the post office so bring your sodas and a pot luck food. Tie your hoss in the shade..check your pistols & Bowie knives at the desk ! See ya there !
J D B <>
USA - Monday, May 02, 2005 at 17:12:53 (EDT)
I'm suspect old Lefty is just trying see if he can get Christian readers of the Pollwatchers all stirred up with that strip about the impending destruction of the earth, etc. It's a good a plan. I bet it works.
Banjo <>
USA - Monday, May 02, 2005 at 09:56:20 (EDT)
Don't be too sure about that JD. You would be amazed what can be done with Photoshop!
USA - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 at 20:52:10 (EDT)
Well, one thing is for sure you won"t ever find any old photos of Grandpaw buddying up to the Viet Cong !! Not this real American !
Calliham, Tx USA - Monday, April 18, 2005 at 15:01:44 (EDT)
Gee whiz! We got Carl Sagan, Bill O'Reilly, Dianna Del Rio and Belle Bates all on one page with a tornado and a runaway asteriod! What is this...weird science week?
Mike, aka Banjo <>
USA - Monday, April 18, 2005 at 10:58:45 (EDT)
Howdy! Lefty has suggested viewere might like to send in their favorite "gun story" for our MOSTLY GUNS dept. Please make them fairly short tales of their ol" favorite firearm. Antique, family heirloom or whatever the case. Lefty says he will send the lucky writers on a week long free vacation to ..JUST KIDDING FOLKS ! Yes, we would like some good gun stories to use on our website. Muy buenos dias amigos. JD
J D Bedwell <>
Calliham, TX USA - Sunday, April 17, 2005 at 14:43:46 (EDT)
Patrick: We're sorry to hear about the family losses. Seems like heart disease is pretty common in the Calliham clan. I hope everyone bears this is in mind and has regular checkups.
Mike, aka Banjo
- Sunday, April 10, 2005 at 22:16:42 (EDT)
By the way, I have changed my email address. If anyone wants to contact me you can reach me at Thanks
Patrick Calliham
- Monday, April 04, 2005 at 18:11:19 (EDT)
I have gotten word that my distant cousin Desiree de Nantes has passed away. She was visiting Texas and suddenly had a massive heart attack. Desiree was great-grand-daughter of JT Calliham's sister. My family is also mourning the loss of my nephew Joshua Clark, the only child of Stephen and Virginia Fay (Calliham) Clark, who died Mar. 8 also of a heart attack. He was 28.
Patrick Calliham
- Monday, April 04, 2005 at 18:09:03 (EDT)
Sounds like a serious situation, Lefty! Maybe your workout viewing of Fox News just isn't enough. Have you thought about maybe video taping Brit Hume, Hannity & Combs and Bill O'Reilly and replaying them while you sleep?
Banjo <>
USA - Monday, February 14, 2005 at 00:25:40 (EST)
Five days a week I go to the YMCA to use the treadmill for my daily workout. Right above the treadmill hangs a monitor that is tuned to Fox News channel 24/7. The sound is turned off but the closed caption is on so you can read what they say. I have been watching Fox News for over a year and I ain't straight yet.
So, we're gonna get a story about J.T. Calliham, huh? That name sounds familiar. Where've I heard that before? Hey, Lefty, I love that Pollwatcher about Karl Rove...especially the ticker across the bottom of the screen about the bulge in Bush's back. That's funny! Since you have depicted Wolf Blitzer, I presume you must watch CNN a lot, huh? Well, no wonder you've got all those funny liberal ideas! Grab up that remote, pardner, and switch over to the fair and balanced Fox News Channel....owned by my former employer Rupert Murdock. That'll straighten you out! ;)- Banjo
Banjo <>
USA - Sunday, February 13, 2005 at 14:58:25 (EST)
Hey! Thanks to Lucy in Greenfield California, I recieved a Limite CD " Sentimentos" in the mail today !! This is one of my favorite group of songs with Alicia Villarreal !! ThANKS A ZILLION, LUCY !! Lord bless. JD
J D Bedwell <>
Calliham , Tx USA - Friday, January 28, 2005 at 13:41:42 (EST)
J.D. The editorial that appered in is by far one of your better ones. All I can say is AMEN. Thanks for making us all think a little bit. Keith
John Keith Blair <>
Poteet, Tx USA - Monday, January 24, 2005 at 00:05:02 (EST)
I never knew that you were so like minded, in High School. Yes Folks it may be my only claim to fame but I did go to HS with J.D.
Keith Blair <>
Poteet, Tx USA - Sunday, January 16, 2005 at 21:43:15 (EST)

Howdy ! I am saddened to report the passing away of Shelly Norgaard, one of our Real Cowgirls and poets. She and Ron. her husband were ranching in the Alberta, Canada area. She had a wonderful sense of humor. Sent e mails with those smiley faces and cheerful things. We become good friends right off. Her Christmas poem in our Cowboy Poetry section is really great and colorful. Really got a laugh out of her funny guestbook entries. Her friends from this website will always miss her. A wonderful spirit, a true ranch woman in every sense. Lord bless- JD
J D Bedwell <>
Calliham, TX USA - Sunday, January 16, 2005 at 13:59:28 (EST)
Happy New Year everyone ! I got that Grupo Limite DVD with the great music videos featuring Alicia Villarreal singing her Tejano hits !! I love it ! Thanks "Banjo " We had snow here on Christmas, probably the first time in at least 80 years ! This is DEEP south Texas ...JD
J D Bedwell <>
Chiggerville Tex., USA - Friday, December 31, 2004 at 20:21:48 (EST)
Lefty ol" boy, now that is a FUNNY Pollwatcher !!
J D Bedwell <>
Chiggerville, Tx USA - Sunday, December 26, 2004 at 09:40:57 (EST)
I want to wish everybody a merry christmas as well. Bar none, from right wing wackos to liberal nut-buckets.
USA - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 at 16:41:05 (EST)
FELIZ NAVIDAD !! Merry Christmas to all. If any liberal nutbuckets don"t like me using Christ"s name they can kiss my mule"s behind ! I am searching for a music video featuring the Mexican (Tejano) band "Limite" with Alicia Villarreal, if anyone has such and will trade or sell it...let me know !! JD
J D Bedwell <>
Calliham, TX USA - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 at 15:15:37 (EST)
Chainsaw brigade? That should make an interesting shoulder patch.
Banjo (a.k.a. Mike) <>
USA - Monday, December 13, 2004 at 22:11:02 (EST)
Now that Poll Watchers this week was really funny! I got a kick out of that! Keep up the great work!!!
Cactus Kid <>
Beeville, TX USA - Sunday, December 12, 2004 at 17:56:03 (EST)
Good Christmas poem, JD. We all need reminding what the holiday season is all about.
Banjo <>
USA - Sunday, December 05, 2004 at 22:29:17 (EST)
I stumbled upon this website somehow, and ran across this picture which shows my husband's grandmother, "Mama" Lucy, and her family. Mama Lucy's daughter, Sarah Ellen Claunch Dunn, was my mother-in-law. May I ask what your relationship is to people in this old photograph (which, by the way, is identical to one we have at home)? I am simply curious about relatives. Thanks!
Marilyn W. Dunn <>
Dilley, TX USA - Thursday, December 02, 2004 at 09:55:01 (EST)
Hey JD!!! Long time no talk. Ma told me that you have been mentioning me. Yes, I did get married...crazy me, I know, but I love it..I mean him..hehe Anyway, just wanted to pop in and say hi and thank you for not forgeting me..hehe ;) Talk to ya later ol' coot. DiAnna Del Rio
Mrs. Del Rio <>
Madrid, Ne USA - Thursday, November 25, 2004 at 21:01:25 (EST)
Howdy! Site is looking good as always. Looks like sore innards after a rough ATV ride won't slow JD down one bit. It is getting a little cool here in Korea. My wife is happy and my four month old daughter is getting big. My daughter's feet are super thick and her cheeks touch her chest. Rebecca can really fill up a diaper. She is so cute.
John Michael Bedwell <>
USA - Wednesday, November 24, 2004 at 18:41:01 (EST)
Hermano grande, muchas gracias for the birthday wishes. I spent my 51st at a gun show, so it wasn't all bad.
Banjo <>
USA - Sunday, November 14, 2004 at 19:21:52 (EST)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY goes out to Mike Bedwell (banjo) who is no longer a spring chicken but a pretty sharp ol" bird yet ! His family all gone to South Korea left him to survive with half a can of pork"n beans and a "twinkie" for his birthday ! Muy feliz birthday hernano ! ( Don"t eat them tainted tacos at the gun show !} JD
J D Bedwell <>
Calliham, TX USA - Sunday, November 14, 2004 at 13:02:09 (EST)
Lefty: I like that definition. Seems pretty accurate. -Banjo
Mike (aka Banjo) <>
USA - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 at 09:08:05 (EDT)
Mike, I don't think there is such a thing as an ultra-right wing conservative. The center is occupied by liberals and conservatives. The ultra-right is not conservative and the ultra-left is not liberal. If you go to far to the right, you got your fascists and nazis, and if you go too far to the left you got your socialists and communists. I wouldn't want to live under either extreme. I like Ambrose Bierce definition of a conservative from his "Devil's Dictionary." "Conservative: A statesman who is enamored of present evils, as opposed to a liberal, who wishes to replace them with others. Take care yall.
USA - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 at 13:59:45 (EDT)
Lefty, I have actually enjoyed the last couple of Pollwatchers...even though I am unabashedly right-wing conservative. Seems to me we need a little more good natured levity from both sides this year.
Mike <>
USA - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 at 03:06:20 (EDT)
Howdy ! Jay & Cheryl Harris camped here this weekend on the way to bird hunting at White Creek. They had fun feeding the donkeys potato chips & snacks. "Louise" the younger donkey sneezed really big all over Cheryl"s face and shirt! The critter has the worst manners ! Earlier they brayed so loud, wanting to get to the green grass across the fence, no one could sleep ! Last week a grassfire spread in my place and I got blisters on my hands beating it out with a shovel. Lucky no buildings were burnt! My sister in law Carol & neice Roxanne are planning a plane flight to south Korea next month to meet John Michael"s new wife & baby girl ! Muy buenos dias amigos ! JD
J D Bedwell <>
Calliham, tx. USA - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 at 13:38:13 (EDT)
A BIG HOWDY ! Happy Birthday to "DiAnna Del-Rio" Sept. 28th ! DiAnna Larson got married! Has new name now. Best wishes on your b"day and have a happy marriage! Don"t forget to keep up your art work, you have lots of natural talent !! So from the crew at Bates Buckaroo Dude Ranch(Belle, Grandpaw & Annie) also Lefty & JD.... Lord bless and many happy days ahead !!!
J D Bedwell <>
Calliham, Tx USA - Saturday, September 25, 2004 at 08:36:54 (EDT)
I regret to announce the passing away of one of my favorite cousins, Thomas Calliham. He was raised by my grandparents on the old homestead. Was a superb athlete in Three Rivers High School in the mid 1950s.Was great in basketball, football, track and later did great in bowling. Raised 3 sons and had a wonderful wife. Was retired Air Force. I will always remember our times in the woods packing our 22 rifles, the ol" swimming hole in the Frio river. Playing basketball in the Calliham Gym all to ourselves. Digging a cave in grandad"s pasture. So long Tomcat, it"s been good to know ya ! JD Bedwell
J D Bedwell <>
Calliham, Tx USA - Wednesday, September 15, 2004 at 11:09:39 (EDT)
Good grief, Cactus! I just read the stampede poem. Sounds to me like maybe you put too much picante sauce on your tamales and it made you have bad dreams. You better watch that stuff!
Banjo <>
USA - Sunday, August 29, 2004 at 23:09:52 (EDT)
Aw shucks, you guys don"t you remember the Kenmore "Excelsior" model 1946 refrigerator that kept them Ne-Hi orange & Grapette sodas really cool at Foghorn"s Texico & Garage in Chiggerville ?
J D Bedwell
Calliham, Tx. USA - Monday, August 23, 2004 at 15:08:27 (EDT)
Now that you mention it, Excelsior sounds like a great name for a home appliance. I can almost see it. I probably did.
USA - Monday, August 23, 2004 at 09:19:02 (EDT)
We had a refrigerator one time with the word "Excelsior" written on it. I always wondered what it meant. Now I still do.:)
Banjo <>
USA - Sunday, August 22, 2004 at 18:27:02 (EDT)
We ain't gonna let no filthy spam-spreading terrorists take over our danged guestbook! Don't worry, JD, you ain't gotta drink no slimey carrot juice!
Banjo <>
USA - Monday, August 16, 2004 at 11:30:08 (EDT)
Howdy ! There was another party at the Calliham Community bldg. the following month (July 17th) for Woodrow Wilson who turned 90 . This fellow had been in the Conservation Corps. as a youth. Then was a medic in the Tank Corp. during World War 2. In the middle of all the worst death & destruction of turning back the Nazi take over of the European theatre. Comming back, getting married raising 6 kids. Collecting the best assortment of ancient Indian artifacts in south Texas ! To this day he is still raising bees, selling honey at flea markets or auctions every day in all kinds of blistering heat or cold weather! There were over 70 attended the get to gether ! You don"t see his kind every day ! JD
J D Bedwell <>
Calliham , Tx USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 at 05:05:57 (EDT)
I WISH that I could have been in Calliham with y'all....Maybe next time ! I am a great-great granddaughter of Martha Lucress Calliham, sister of Joseph Thomas Calliham.....and, NO, I only live in California; I am not a Californian ! Fifth generation Texan here....and Patrick, you are driving when we make a reunion....
Désirée de Nantes <>
Ontario, CA USA - Sunday, July 25, 2004 at 17:12:10 (EDT)
All of us enjoyed the Calliham reunion. Some of us hadn't been back there in 40 years.It was good to see cousins we hadn't seen in many years, and kinfolks we'd never met. Thanks for a great time. Hope to see you there next year. Fay Calliham Clark
Virginia Fay Calliham Clark <>
Fort Smith, AR USA - Monday, July 12, 2004 at 11:40:41 (EDT)
ANNOUNCEMENT !! Rebecca Sim Bedwell was born Sunday, July 11 "oo4 in the Army hospital, Seoul, Korea to parents John Michael & YukYoung Bedwell !! John Michael says she is already wanting to go to Calliham and ride the donkeys on my place !
J D Bedwell <>
Texas, USA USA - Monday, July 12, 2004 at 08:41:52 (EDT)
The photo in the family album marked "Roy Semar 1990" sure looks a lot like Elvis to me. I wonder...???
Banjo <>
USA - Sunday, June 27, 2004 at 18:42:04 (EDT)
I grew up with cliff and nancy calliham and I am trying to get in touch with them both. My maiden name is Hardcastle I am sure they will remember me and my family. It has been a long time since any of us have had any contact with them. If you are to hear from them please tell one of them to call me at (361)449-2784 OR 343-1914 THANKS For you help!
shellie mccumber <>
george west, tx USA - Saturday, June 26, 2004 at 01:54:11 (EDT)
Hi, This is Russells girlfriend and was just able to get on line. Russell said to say Hello. And he really likes the web page.Hope to see more. Write back if you like.
Russell Calliham
Von Ormy, Tx. USA - Tuesday, June 15, 2004 at 08:04:27 (EDT)
Howdy web-watchers ! A SPECIAL THANKS to cousin Jim 'Mexico" Bates for hauling my skinny behind all the way to San Antonio to see the new movie The Alamo. It may not be popular with today"s young movie drug peddler car chases and crashes or nude gals cavorting around. They finally got this film of the fall of the Alamo and the birth of Texas right this time ! Got to see it on the big screen with the fantastic sound system to appreciate this one. This is a grim subject but it has wonderful light moments mainly with antics of Davy Crockett. Don"t get any better than this !! JD
J D Bedwell <>
Calliham, Tx USA - Sunday, June 06, 2004 at 23:25:25 (EDT)
The Calliham family reunion was GREAT! Got off to a scary start...little girl nearly got rattlesnake bit in front of the building ! Thanks to this web-site lots of kinfolk got the message and showed up. Some we hadn"t seen in nearly 30 years ! There were 51 names signed in the book and I bet lots didn"t think to write their name in it. Lefty provided a TV and video of our 1991 reunion in the Callihan gym .It was a real hoot ! That Roy really sung & played good that day ! We were mighty glad that Fern, Fay, Patrick, Mina, Russell, Roger, Pam and all the rest joined us this year !! It was a WINNER ! JD
J D Bedwell <>
Calliham, Tx USA - Sunday, June 06, 2004 at 22:25:57 (EDT)
Well, Lefty, I was afraid you would be too chicken to put up a song with that title. I guess you've got more guts than I thought! Thanks for the publicity...and thanks, Mike, for that thought. I can't picture Neil Diamond in overalls. It'll never happen.
Patrick Calliham <>
Fort Smith, AR USA - Monday, May 24, 2004 at 22:15:22 (EDT)
Good, song...Patrick. I'd like to see Neil Diamond barefoot in overalls singing that one! Hee hee.
Banjo, aka Mike <>
USA - Sunday, May 23, 2004 at 11:40:12 (EDT)
Wow, Lefty, that "Ranger's Command" segment in the Flash Granpaw section is great!! I guess I would've missed it altogether if JD hadn't pointed me that direction. Everybody needs to click over there and give it a look and listen.
Banjo/ aka Mike <>
USA - Wednesday, May 12, 2004 at 12:14:08 (EDT)
I wondered what happened to this photo. I suggested that this photo be taken, but this is the first time I have seen it. The only one of Dave's grandchildren missing is missing is my brother Kenneth, who had passed away. This was the last time were all together before Larry's passing. At this time I was about five month's along with my son Christopher Michael. Corretcions: Ron Stringer, Lynda Brown Stringer, Allen Calliham
Lynda Stringer
Corpus Christi, TX USA - Tuesday, May 11, 2004 at 08:34:35 (EDT)
This picture was taken when I was in the eighth grade in the Fall of 1951.
Janice Calliham Brown <>
Corpus Christi, TX USA - Saturday, May 08, 2004 at 19:02:10 (EDT)
Hey out there ! The Calliham Family Reunion will be June 5th 2004 at the community bldg. by the post office in that huge metroplex Calliham, Texas ! It was called a one hoss town in the old days but now it has grown into a one hoss, two pony and three donkey town ! ( and about 40 dogs that bark all night .) JD
J D Bedwell <>
Calliham , Tx USA - Friday, April 30, 2004 at 07:32:33 (EDT)
Just stopped by, JD, to see yor new/old gun that brother Mike picked up fer ye. Not a bad lookin drawin there - I can read thet jes fine. Hope yer a feelin better right along, makes me feel bad to a a friend ailin lak thet! You take care now, y'heah? I'll be stopin by agin b'fer long. Old Injun.
Old Injun
Myrtle Creek, OR USA - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 at 01:39:47 (EDT)
That Robin Williams Peace Plan was a doozie--think he should run for Prez ?!!!!!
Fredda Maeker <>
Lubbock, TX USA - Sunday, April 18, 2004 at 19:56:50 (EDT)
Lefty, I was going to add some comments about the Robin Williams Peace Plan, but I just reread your classic poem about the men who drive the tractors who mow the grass on the freeway and I am so choked with emotion, I just can't! Keep up the good work. My toenails are curled with literary envy.
USA - Sunday, April 11, 2004 at 19:07:59 (EDT)
In case anyone doesn't already know it, JD finally got home late Tuesday, April 6, from his stay in the hospital following triple bypass surgery. He was pretty weak but seemed to be doing well last I heard. We surely want to thank everyone for their concern, prayers and wishes. Much obliged, compadres!
Banjo; aka Mike <>
USA - Sunday, April 11, 2004 at 18:51:59 (EDT)
Well, JD didn't get to come home today. Maybe tomorrow. He is still having a few problems, just keep the prayers and thoughts going for him. He is anxious to come home, but will probably be weak as a kitten for a few days, I know he is thinking of all of you out there. Maybe he will be able to catch up on e-mails soon. Just give him a little time. Thanks,bc
Bitty Cook <>
Tilden, Tx USA - Monday, April 05, 2004 at 16:36:45 (EDT)
I talked to JD this morning. He is hoping to get out of the hospital tomorrow. He had a little bit of a problem that needed to be watched for a couple more days, but thinks it is under control now. We are all hoping for nothing but the best for him. He will need lots of rest when he does come home. Just give him a little time to catch up on his e-mail, I know he will get it all answered in time. Thanks for any support and prayers you can give him. A friend-bc
Bitty Cook <>
Tilden, Texas USA - Sunday, April 04, 2004 at 14:52:13 (EDT)
JD is doing fine. Thinking of you'll.
Kathy RN
San Antonio, USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 at 13:38:28 (EST)
I think the previous post is right on.
body jewelry <>
New York, NY USA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 at 23:13:00 (EST)
Real fine poem(Cowboys) Laura . Most of us ol"waddies in south Texas don"t clean pens but have to wash out stock trailers. And we have the "bugs" in this case FIREANTS to deal us & livestock lots of grief! Now, if the Gov"mint would only "fix' em like they did the Screwworms in the 50s ....jd
J D Bedwell <>
Calliham, Tx USA - Saturday, February 28, 2004 at 16:29:56 (EST)
It's been a while since I commented on your "funnies". 'bout as good as the "funny papers" when I was a kid. Keep the "funnies"coming. I'm grandma to some of them Calliham kids in Missouri.
Fredda Maeker
Lubbock, TX USA - Sunday, February 15, 2004 at 15:16:39 (EST)
JD, I hope you're feeling better. Let us know when the surgery is scheduled. I hope your family will be able to be with you during the recovery, etc. Fay
Virginia Fay Calliham Clark <>
Fort Smith, AR USA - Sunday, February 15, 2004 at 12:19:45 (EST)
Howdy friends! I had a heartattack on the 18th. Will have to haveopen heart surgery soon. Please include me in your prayers. Hope to keep Grandpaw & Belle alive & well !!! JD
J D Bedwell <>
Calliham, TX USA - Monday, January 26, 2004 at 22:29:35 (EST)
Very nice Lefty, I wondered when you would get around to posting the tractor song. Word has it JD may be home soon. Hope he is getting better!
Cactus Kid <>
Beeville, TX USA - Saturday, January 24, 2004 at 14:42:48 (EST)
cool site!
WA USA - Monday, January 19, 2004 at 21:58:32 (EST)
Gee whiz, Cactus, that's quite a hallucination you had there about that monstercycle. From the looks of it, I sure would hate to have to change a tire on that ugly critter!
Mike, alias Banjo <>
USA - Sunday, January 11, 2004 at 22:23:40 (EST)
Brother Glennie I thought his name was Glenester that is what dad said.
Alma C, Deckard <>
norman, ok USA - Tuesday, December 30, 2003 at 12:57:53 (EST)
I am so glade to see a picture of great grand father Richard (Dick) Crumrine. My grand mother Is Fletta Alma Crumrine Deckard or brown or clements Roy Floyd Crumrine's sister My dad is Virgil Floyd Deckard and visited Roy just before his death down in Texas. Please Contact me. I will keep looking for your email address.
Connie A Deckard <>
Norman, OK USA - Tuesday, December 30, 2003 at 12:52:47 (EST)
Patrick Semar: I love the kids' costumes! Jason, Heather and Sean are really cute, but I didn't realize you had a fourth child. The one in the far right of the picture has the most clever costume yet!! Who'd ever thought of dressing the little one up as a trash can!? Keep up the good work! - Banjo
Banjo, alias Mike <>
USA - Sunday, November 30, 2003 at 11:59:30 (EST)
I like the color cartoons...although I am still mystified how this happens with a colorblind artist. Anyhow, Lefty, thanks for recounting the JD stories about his infamous Comanche cattle call. Come to think of it, that may be some of the reason ol' Banjo is deaf as stump. The acoustics of those old pickups we grew up in weren't exactly tuned. In fact, they were more like sheet metal echo chambers. He always managed to let loose one of those horrible screeches that would bend the brim of my straw hat and send paint chips fluttering off the rearview mirrors. The cattle could hear it for a couple of miles and they'd come a-running, leaving hungry slobber trails in their wake. What lovely memories!
Banjo, alias Mike <>
USA - Sunday, November 30, 2003 at 11:54:07 (EST)
Howdy JD from Seguin,tx. I tried to get in touch but my e mail comes back "undelivable". Thanks for tuning in and keep in touch. J D ( from Calliham)
J D Bedwell <>
Calliham, Tx., USA - Friday, November 21, 2003 at 08:10:51 (EST)
NIce site great pics and a wonderful name
John David (J. D.) Bedwell <>
Seguin , Tx USA - Tuesday, November 18, 2003 at 15:19:48 (EST)
Hey JD: I finally got time to browse around the web site. I never noticed that there was music on the Cowgirl pages. The song on mine fits, that's scary! Anyway, keep up the good work and I've got more drawings on the way.
Del Rio <>
O-town, Ne USA - Saturday, November 01, 2003 at 20:30:55 (EST)
I'm not sure if I'm related to te Callihams in Texas, But come down once a year in the summertime to visit m wife's folks wo live near Austin in Bastrop.I'd love to come visit the town of Calliham. Who knows , I may be a long ,lost uncle or something. I'm 37 years old, born in Augusta, Ga. about 10 miles from here. If you know any Callihams from Ga. or S.C. I'd like to know about them. Send them my web address. Thhe decendents that I know are all from Edgefield, S.C. Thanks for any help.
Sweetwater, SC USA - Monday, October 13, 2003 at 23:04:16 (EDT)
Well now Banjo, if I have to choose, I guess I would much rather look like a fool than be one.
Lefty <>
USA - Sunday, October 12, 2003 at 12:54:31 (EDT)
Lefty: Take heart! A little pie in the eye sometimes makes a feller see better. Personally, I can't decide which is more ridiculous, calling the writers of the L.A.Times journalists or thinking of Arnold as a Republican. What a world! - Banjo
Mike <>
USA - Sunday, October 12, 2003 at 11:51:58 (EDT)
Those "Flash Grandpaw" 'toons are a real hoot! Keep 'em coming!
Mike <>
USA - Sunday, October 05, 2003 at 12:22:33 (EDT)
Howdy! Try our new AUDIO captions on FLASH GRANDPAW! Bet ya a big greasy taco-burger at the Jailhouse Cafe you can"t guess who the "speakers" are !! buenos dias amigos JD
J D Bedwell <>
Calliham, Tx USA - Tuesday, September 30, 2003 at 11:41:21 (EDT)
Hey JD, The cartoon is still looking good. I like the color you added, how dramatic..hehe Hey guess what poco chica ain't too young anymore, 10 DAYS 'TIL MY BIRTHDAY!! I finally hit the big 21. Keep up the good work, and I'm gonna go start on some of my own. Take care ol' coot!
Poco Chica <>
O-town, NE USA - Sunday, September 28, 2003 at 14:47:10 (EDT)
What's happened to all the folks who used to post here? Is everybody asleep or on vacation or what? J.D., perhaps someone should explain what "coyote ugly" means. Lefty, I think the answer to the question posed by the long-eared Democratic mascot in the latest Pollwatchers can be found in the words of the late Will Rogers who once opined: "No matter how hard you try, you just can't take the politics out of politics."
Mike (Alias: Banjo) <>
USA - Sunday, September 28, 2003 at 12:36:55 (EDT)
I like the two new poems...The Pasture Gate and Johnny Cash. Good stuff. Happy birthday, hermano. - Banjo
Mike <>
USA - Monday, September 15, 2003 at 09:36:29 (CDT)
TRENCHLAND, AL USA - Tuesday, September 09, 2003 at 11:15:38 (CDT)
Loved the cartoons. Look forward to visiting this site often.
Fredda Maeker
Lubbock, TX USA - Monday, September 08, 2003 at 22:33:44 (CDT)
You niece Roxanne told me to check out your site, we worked together...she was right you have a great site, and neat cartoons. I did deputy cartoons until Dec. last year and had to stop due to vision loss. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK J.D. Richard
Richard Lingle <>
Big Sandy, Texas USA - Wednesday, September 03, 2003 at 12:05:09 (CDT)
Goshomightydang, Lefty!! That family tree thingy is a marvel to behold. I'm glad you're trying to do it instead of me. I get lost trying to figure out how come I am kin to J.D.! Good work. It helps to see the relationships in sort a flowchart form. - Banjo
Mike <>
USA - Sunday, August 24, 2003 at 23:20:18 (CDT)
Very nice Lefty, answers a few questions. Glad to hear there are family out there that kept up with these things. Keep up the good work
Cactus Kid <>
Beeville, TX USA - Sunday, August 24, 2003 at 21:42:35 (CDT)
Thank you Lefty and J.D. for the help in tracking down the info on the family land. Now that I know a few details, I'm not so sure I WANT to know! (It all started with Cain and Abel, didn't it?). And now it's all water OVER the bridge. Hope you had a good summer and look forward to cooler times!
Patrick Calliham <>
Fort Smith, AR USA - Saturday, August 23, 2003 at 17:02:27 (CDT)
Hope you are having a good time on trip to Colorado and back. Take Care Betty
Betty from Kentucky
USA - Friday, August 22, 2003 at 20:10:11 (CDT)
Hi, I'm not a cousin...not that I know of anyway! My friend, Mary Pitman, your cousin was telling me about the cowboy cartoons. I enjoy the site. It's neat looking at the photos. Excellant site. Wouldn't it be neat of everyone did this? It's a wonderful way to keep in touch & find out some interesting stuff about our families. Keep up the good work.
Ernestine Wright <>
Shell Knob, Mo USA - Friday, August 15, 2003 at 22:33:42 (CDT)
Howdy ! I am going off to Colorado with a pal..will be outa touch for about a week. You"all behave yourselves, ya hear ! JD
J D Bedwell <>
Calliham, Tx. USA - Friday, August 15, 2003 at 19:33:50 (CDT)
I am the mother of Joe "Joseph Edward Calliham II", Tom "Thomas Henry Calliham", and Tonya Fay Calliham. Their father was Charles Edward Calliham. My son Tom rides bulls in college rodeo. Joe was named after his great grandfather I think. I never met him. Joe is artistic, he can draw and do cartoons. Tonya has a son named Jack.
Carol Mellerup <>
Boonville, MO USA - Monday, August 11, 2003 at 08:28:56 (CDT)
Howdy folks ! Was really thrilled to be in contact after over 30 years with the Charlie Calliham family again ! Some bad news is Laura Larson, our "Cowboy Poet Lariat" lost her dad a few days ago. Also the "POLLWATCHERS" comic strip is a creation of Cary Semar and dose not reflect my own political views. J D Bedwell
J D Bedwell <>
Calliham, TX. USA - Sunday, August 10, 2003 at 08:52:15 (CDT)
Hey, Cactus, that's quite a tale about the cowboy and the sailor! See what happens when you drink too much amongst strangers? Hee hee.
Mike <Llewdeb>
USA - Thursday, July 31, 2003 at 07:50:33 (CDT)
The story is getting exciting, it's a real shoot em up. Looks like the poll watchers are coming down hard on our current sitting president. Maybe he should quit sitting and get up and do something. Thanks for Publishing my poem. Should I expect my Royalty check via your next email???? c.k.
Cactus Kid <>
Prickly Pear Patch, TX USA - Sunday, July 27, 2003 at 13:23:34 (CDT)
Great to hear about long-lost cousins, and see their talent!!!! glad to get back in touch, and to learn all about family history
Fern Calliham Pitman <>
Watson, OK USA - Saturday, July 26, 2003 at 21:32:19 (CDT)
J.D., You're right. I meant Joseph Thomas Calliham, not John Thomas, was my great-grandpa. Thanks for correcting me! I'm glad to be in touch with my long-lost cousins, again.
Virginia Calliham Clark <>
Fort Smith, AR USA - Saturday, July 26, 2003 at 18:16:40 (CDT)
I'm glad to see a website for the Calliham family. We left the area when I was 11 years old (1963), but Calliham, TX holds a special place in my heart. My father, Charles, is the grandson of John Thomas Calliham, and the son of Joseph Edward Calliham. Virginia Fay (Calliham) Clark
Virginia Calliham Clark <>
Fort Smith, AR USA - Thursday, July 24, 2003 at 17:18:18 (CDT)
I was surprised to see a website with people I've heard about all my life. I am from the cousin-side of the family. In one picture there were cousins Viriginia and Joe. They were my aunt and uncle. My dad Charlie wasn't shown.I will tell me sisters about this site!
Patrick Calliham <>
Fort Smith, AR USA - Wednesday, July 16, 2003 at 21:55:02 (CDT)
Lefty: I can certainly relate to the blinking appliances tale. I have a Sony CD unit that starts blinking if there's a thunderstorm in the next state!
Mike <>
USA - Sunday, July 13, 2003 at 09:44:50 (CDT)
You gotta be a hunka hunka burning Elvis fan to appreciate that Belle and the Hillbilly Cat episode. It kinda made me itch like a man on a fuzzy tree!
Mike <>
USA - Sunday, July 13, 2003 at 09:40:44 (CDT)
Just a note to let Lefty and JD know that I finally found where the Aloe Vera grow. I chopped some up, dried and smoked it. Had a belly ache and an bizarre dream about a train going through old Calliham. Man, I gotta get some rest and eat a big leafy salad to clear my colon!
Mike <>
USA - Sunday, June 15, 2003 at 20:48:48 (CDT)
Hi Lefty, RE: Timberwolf and Trailblazer George I--He made his own decisions--and broadcasted it. George II-He is experimenting in unknown territory. Just thought I would add my two cents. Barb
Barbara Sanford <>
Beaumont, TX USA - Monday, May 19, 2003 at 08:31:01 (CDT)
Good grief, J.D.! Who knew you were worried about where the aloe vera grow?
Mike <>
USA - Sunday, May 18, 2003 at 14:44:43 (CDT)
Loved the "poll-watchers" this week! That's a keeper! And Good 'shootin' Annie! That's got Black Dave on the run!! Hope yous' all had a Super Easter Folks! Shell N' Ron N' All the Critters too!!
Shelly Norgaard <>
Beaverlodge, AB. Canada, USA - Monday, April 21, 2003 at 09:18:18 (CDT)
Hey Tex, Just wanted to share the news to you and your fans. My book has been published!! You can review it at this address: Thanks for your support. L.M. Larson
laura larson <>
osceola, ne USA - Thursday, April 17, 2003 at 10:25:09 (CDT)
"Mighty fine poem there Laura! You got a 'gift' thar' gal! Liked the "Poll Watchers' " !! Real good one!! C'mon JD! got the 'suspenseful' all buildin' here on whats' a' gonna happen with ole "Black Dave" and "Good Shootin" there Belle! He won't a' git' far with a truck full o' flats!! Yee-Haw!!
Shelly Norgaard <>
Beaverlodge, Alta. Canada - Monday, April 14, 2003 at 08:37:36 (CDT)
It's amazing! I visited the website all by myself without a letter from Lefty. Where are you Lefty? I can't tell what day of the week it is when I have no Sunday email from Lefty.
Mike <>
USA - Monday, April 14, 2003 at 00:09:34 (CDT)
Hi JD, Like the cartoons. They are great!!. Freida sent me card that you all had signed and your address for the cartoons. Thanks to everyone for the card. Betty
Betty Hannah <>
Vine Grove, Ky USA - Monday, April 07, 2003 at 14:59:13 (CDT)
HELLO MR. BEDWELL!! Long time no type! It feels good to be back in civilization. I don't know how I can survive without all this modern technology! Just thought I stop in and letcha know that I am still kicking, sort of! Anyway, keep up the good work and I'll catch on the flip side!
DiAnna <>
Almena, KS USA - Friday, April 04, 2003 at 12:45:43 (CST)
Good grief, J.D., that long-nosed sixshooter sure looks familiar. Seems like you had one of those back about....
Mike <>
USA - Monday, March 31, 2003 at 09:39:24 (CST)
keep those cartoons coming!! What a refreshing change it is to see these in my email. Thanks. Barb
Barbara Sanford <>
Beaumont, TX USA - Monday, March 31, 2003 at 08:02:59 (CST)
Johnny Dean, I typed in Calliham on the search and WOW! Almost 1600 websites came up. Glad yours was 1545 cause I was getting kind of impatient. This is a new email address I'm leaving you. Hope I got it right. Cartoon is great.
John Michael Bedwell <>
Yongsan, Korea - Friday, March 28, 2003 at 22:01:32 (CST)
Johnny Dean, I typed in Calliham on the search and WOW! Almost 1600 websites came up. Glad yours was 1545 cause I was getting kind of impatient. This is a new email address I,m leaving you. Hope I got it right. Cartoon is great.
John Michael Bedwell <>
Yongsan, Korea - Friday, March 28, 2003 at 22:00:35 (CST)
Lefty, I thought this week's pollwatchers was the best yet. I got a chuckle out of the last panel. J.D., I think I remember that ol' cow on the third panel. Seems like she was a Santa Gertrudis and Black Angus mix who always hid in the thickets atop that rocky knoll on the creek pasture to calve!
Mike <>
USA - Sunday, March 09, 2003 at 10:19:39 (CST)
Great website very good work and nice design Thank you very much for this useful site where people can share their opinions!
Istanbul Hotel <>
USA - Sunday, March 09, 2003 at 08:37:16 (CST)
Good story, Cactus! I'd take up farming myself if I thought I'd plow up a big chunk of gold.
Mike <>
USA - Monday, March 03, 2003 at 21:37:33 (CST)
Thanks folks for adding to my guestbook ! Be it known that I back Pres. Bush and his policy of ridding the world of terrorists !! Great poem Laura ! I drew that buffalo & calf in 1977. JD
J D Bedwell <>
Calliham,Texas, US USA - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 at 10:51:33 (CST)
A great site regarding an even greater spot in the world. Cheers,
USA - Friday, February 21, 2003 at 15:07:02 (CST)
Really enjoyed browsing through your site. Lots of information and an nice desgin. Keep going!
Samantha Williams <>
USA, none USA - Saturday, February 08, 2003 at 02:28:34 (CST)
Hey, Cactus, that's a pretty patriotic poem you got there! Aren't you afraid some foreigner might be offended? (That's redneck humor.) And, Lefty, I appreciate the new family photos. It's been so long since I've seen a lot of these folks I need reminding every once in a while.
Mike <>
USA - Sunday, February 02, 2003 at 18:26:39 (CST)
Great Poem, You nailed it pretty good! Keep em coming!
Clyde <>
Beeville, TX USA - Saturday, January 25, 2003 at 20:38:19 (CST)
Good poem, David! My daddy told me once that a fellow had to work at least two jobs to be able to afford to lose money in the "cow bidness". I think he was right.
Mike <>
USA - Sunday, January 19, 2003 at 19:49:35 (CST)
I noticed in some of the pics you have posted hte last name was Bates. My birth name is Bates. I was wondering where you are all from. And if we are all related or something..........
Cade Davis <>
Pocatello, ID USA - Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 10:50:05 (CST)
I bet ole' napoleon is about to show them cowhorses how to heard cattle. Great poem Miss Larson, I am really enjoying the evolution of the western poetry! Cactus Kid
cvsemar <>
Beeville, TX USA - Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 09:01:31 (CST)
Hello, We are having a Career Fair February 13 based on a western theme. I found your website and loved the cartoons. Hope you don't mind, goin' to use 'em! Thanks. Barb
Barbara Sanford <>
Beaumont, TX USA - Friday, January 10, 2003 at 13:32:20 (CST)
BBBBbbbbrrrrrraaaapppppttttt!!!! Good bean poetry, Cactus! That tale is so realistic it almost leaves a stain in your longjohns!
Mike <>
USA - Sunday, January 05, 2003 at 20:09:06 (CST)
"Hey" Cactus...."boy about got my belly bubblin' with all those "beans" hahahaha...n' yep, "good ole" 'cookie' may he not be forgotten....bless all them ole' bacon n' bean 'burners'.......Wonderful Poem...really enjoyed that one!!
USA - Sunday, January 05, 2003 at 17:42:38 (CST)
Really like the "Poll-watchers"....that is a funny exchange between those ought to be a "political pundit" for a livin'........hehehe
shelly norgaard
USA - Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 10:07:11 (CST)
Enjoyed the Cowboy Christmas poem, Shelly!
Mike <>
USA - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 21:21:58 (CST)
Comanche Joe sounds like he mighta been an ancestor of some of those owlhoots I went to school with in Tilden! Gee, Cactus, I wonder if anybody else is reading except you and me and Lefty? Dang, I'm beginning to feel self-conscious all alone here on the guestbook! Keep up the good work, Cactus.
Mike <>
USA - Sunday, December 01, 2002 at 13:38:26 (CST)
Good poem, mean, Cactus Kid. Seems like I remember something about dangling off the side rails and dropping into the river. Must've been a million years ago.
Mike <>
USA - Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 21:57:20 (CST)
""Now that's "Bridging the span of "time"....Terrific Poem., can almost hear those kids splashin' in the water below that ole 'bridge'...n' hear the boards creekin' out the arrival of another ole' classic car trundeling across its' back-bones.....GREAT work of Art...that !!!!! Well Done!!
shelly norgaard <>
Beaverlodge, AB Canada - Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 11:01:47 (CST)
Them poems are gettin good! Keep em coming. One more thing! Does that mule on the tracks have a name like Mr. Ed?
Cactus Kid <>
Beeville, TX USA - Monday, November 11, 2002 at 14:40:30 (CST)
Hi! I'm Brian. I really like your site, it's usefull and informative. I am working for discount magazine subscription comparison service. I find your site while searching for magazine related sites and It's a pleasure to sign your guestbook. Thanks!
Brian - magazine subscriptions <>
Texas, Texas USA - Monday, November 04, 2002 at 04:48:13 (CST)
Hey! Clyde! "Dern fine Deer Poem old Son!" You a man o' many talents!! Got a reel' good laugh outta that one!! "Mighty Fine.."mighty fine!!" That is a "Keeper"!!
shelly norgaard
USA - Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 08:24:37 (CST)
Lefty, we knew was gone because I kept looking at the same cartoons as the week before. I guess the Commanches finally let go of the mail sacks, huh?
Mike <>
USA - Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 10:24:20 (CDT)
"Mighty 'purty' words thar' J.D....Quite a Poem...Love that last line...I think in 'yer' case ..."no truer words bin' spoke!" "You definetly been 'thrown into the wrong century!" Ya' ole "cow-poke!" "Gonna have ta' git' ma' thinkin' cap on..see if I can't come up with somethun' for yer' brand-nu Poetree corner..Have a Good One..Shell ( Oh "Lefty" we DID notice you was gone.."GLad 'yer' back now ole Son..
Shelly <>
Beaverlodge, AB. Canada - Sunday, October 20, 2002 at 09:20:08 (CDT)
"Mighty 'purty' words thar' J.D....Quite a Poem...Love that last line...I think in 'yer' case ..."no truer words bin' spoke!" "You definetly been 'thrown into the wrong century!" Ya' ole "cow-poke!" "Gonna have ta' git' ma' thinkin' cap on..see if I can't come up with somethun' for yer' brand-nu Poetree corner..Have a Good One..Shell ( Oh "Lefty" we DUD notice you was gone.."GLad 'yer' back now ole Son..
Shelly <>
Beaverlodge, AB. Canada - Sunday, October 20, 2002 at 09:19:20 (CDT)
Loved that "got the drop on 'em' inflatible pretty boy "George" hahaha! What a hoot n' anny!! Great "toon" thar J.D.! Maybe I should borrow that for the Elmworth Basin land? Might be darn good "bear-scarer?" Either that or may turn "Grizz" into a limp-pawed lil' ole 'teddy-bar' hahaha! Say hi-ya! to Belle n' grampaw 'fer' me n' Lefty n' rest of gang too! H&H's Shell n' Ron
shelly <>
Beaverlodge, ab. canada - Monday, September 23, 2002 at 16:30:39 (CDT)
I wonder where they got that inflatable George Strait Tractor Supply Store?
Mike <>
USA - Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 21:02:42 (CDT)
Ole Lefty done splained connection between history and music in a way I never reckoned. Makes mucho sense to me. Black Dave better reload quick, next week will be here afore you know it!
Cactus Kid <>
Beeville, TX USA - Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 09:55:52 (CDT)
Mr Bedwell, I never was a teeny bopper, I'm still the ripe old age of 8 and I don't plan on changing anytime soon. It's hard to grow up when the only thing good on TV is Tom & Jerry and Bugs Bunny! Oh well, I give myself something to laugh at! By the way, I think someone else is turning another year older before I do....hmmm wonder what ol' coot that coud be?????
Cowgirl with no name <>
O-town, Ne USA - Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 10:58:01 (CDT)
Lefty, we enjoyed the tribute to Pasty Cline. Just last week she won the number one spot on CMT's "40 Greatest Ladies of Country Music". Not bad for a gal whose been out of circulation since before the moon landing, huh?
Mike <>
USA - Monday, September 09, 2002 at 13:01:57 (CDT)
Hey you guys, Oct.8th is the BIG DAY..Del-Rio (DiAnna) will no longer be a TEENY-BOPPER! She will be the BIG 20 !! ...Pretty soon be getting MODERN MATURITY magazine!!!
JD Bedwell <>
Calliham, Tx USA US - Friday, September 06, 2002 at 07:56:06 (CDT)
Lefty, I was ambidextrious one time, but I took some antibiotics and it went away.
Mike <>
USA - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 19:23:46 (CDT)
Black Dave may be a Doofus, but he is also ambidextrous. In one picture he last week he is holding his shootin' arn in his right hand, this week he is holding it in his left hand, and in the final picture he has one shootin' arn in each hand. The trouble with this idea is that any criminal as stupid as Dave would never have two guns. If he had two, he would hock one for sure.
USA - Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 16:20:17 (CDT)
HEY MR. BEDWELL!!!!!!! Guess who!? IT'S ME AND MY MA! No not really, I kicked her out of the house. Anyway, just thought I'd pop in and say HI, cuz I haven't had time to write. Looks great but I have one question, are Pablo and Black Dave related, they have the same doofy look. Anyway, I have to go now, Ma says hi, talk to ya later ol' coot.
Cowgirl with no Name <>
O-Town, Ne USA - Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 09:27:35 (CDT)
Lefty, that running "W" brand is from a dinky little spread just a couple of counties south of Calliham called the King Ranch. The real-life Shorty had good bloodlines despite his peculiar physical configuration. Looks to me like Belle's got her hands full dealing with Black Dave. This could get interesting, huh?
USA - Sunday, September 01, 2002 at 21:58:14 (CDT)
I like the cartoons a lot.
Psyber <>
Devine, Tx USA - Sunday, September 01, 2002 at 06:38:56 (CDT)
You got a sharp eye, Banjo. I never noticed the running "W" on that horse. I guess it stands for Whitmire, which is where JD worked before he sort of "retired." But what in the heck is Belle doin' on a Whitmire horse?
USA - Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 07:01:38 (CDT)
I don't know where the story line is going, but I recognize that cayuse Belle is astraddle. I think we called him "Shorty" and he had that running W brand on his hip. He was "jerked down" when he was young and it made him sorta whopperjawed and crookedfooted thereafter and henceforth.
Mike <>
USA - Monday, August 26, 2002 at 22:54:53 (CDT)
Ya, Lefty's right. Believe you are getting better with age. Now we are building some suspense. Pretty good for a three quarters per-cent blind Cowboy. Keep up the good work.
Roy <>
Franklin, tx USA - Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 20:42:10 (CDT)
Well, I'm losing sleep wondering about the secret of "Ol' Gutz"! I guess that goes to prove it doesn't take much to keep me up nights, huh?
Mike <>
USA - Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 23:32:19 (CDT)
Why am I the only one adding to the guestbook lately? What's wrong with all you other folks? Cat got your computer mouse? Come on, let's get with it!
Mike <>
USA - Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 20:27:26 (CDT)
Ol' Lefty's been working overtime putting on new family photos from bygone days! I hope everyone is enjoying them as much as I am. By the way, JD, whoever heard of a horse named "Ol' Gutz"? That's plumb silly. May as well name one something like "Ol' Elbow" or "Ol' Kneecap" or some such! What sorta cowpoke would want to go around straddle a cayuse named for some human body part? Somehow I can't imagine Tom Selleck galloping across the screen on "Ol' Collarbone".
Mike <>
USA - Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 11:45:50 (CDT)
Enjoy the cartoons and the old pictures. A very refreshing "clean" sight. Thanks loads.
FORT WORTH, TX USA - Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at 07:17:41 (CDT)
Good Mornin', J.D., & Crew! Just had an eyeball on the "new" "Toons"..Real Goodun's, 'thar J.D.! Real "Hot", 'ya' might say! hahaha! So hot that the 'Rattlers' gotta molt an extra skin 'jes' ta' cool off!!And they're replacin' their "rattles" with 'lil' tail-fans, hahaha! ( Now thar's a picture, for 'ya' J.D.!!) Till later J.D. N' Lefty.."Oh by the way", "just got the Cows out on pasture.."Finally!" This past week..Ron saw a Big "Bore Grizzly and a Sow and Yearling cub out at the Elmworth Basin just before turns out..( the Bore week before turn out and Sow & Yrling Cub a few days before that...) Hope we don't lose any Calves??!! Have 'ta' get "Belle n' "Grampa" to come help build some "bar-traps!!" Have A Good One, Everyone! Shelly
shelly norgaard <>
Beaverlodge, AB Canada - Monday, June 10, 2002 at 07:31:11 (CDT)
Hey JD, Mom told me Cary put up a new pic. But what I'd like to know who gave him that pic!!?? hehe. Anyway, I gotta get back to class, keep up the good work and I'll talk to ya later ol' coot! Di
DiAnna <>
O-town, Ne USA - Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 09:54:25 (CDT)
Loved them old photos, even saw one with me in it. I feel honored. Keep up the good work!
Clyde <>
Beeville, TX USA - Sunday, June 02, 2002 at 21:56:50 (CDT)
Hey JD, I finally got enough time to back track about 3 months worth of cartoons. Half of the little tricks in there sound like some of the things I do around here! Gotta run, talk to ya later ol' coot! di
DiAnna <>
Osceola, Ne USA - Thursday, May 30, 2002 at 18:03:42 (CDT)
Hey JD, Is that the real name of the saloon,Dirty Shame. Or did you make that up. Is that the one grandad use to walk to every day?
Roy <>
Franklin, tx USA - Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 22:05:44 (CDT)
Had to check in to see "Lefty's" recipes ( batchelor-style!!) And see what is happenin' 'round "Calliham" & check up on "Belle's web-cam" adventures too!! Love that web-cam! Oil money well spent 'thar' Belle! "Gettin' mighty high-tec-ner-logical 'round 'yer' place Gal!! "Yee-haw", & WOW! Good 'fer' you Belle! "who'd 'a' "thunk-it?"!! Love the day you 'was' feedin' cows, n' all layered up to keep out the 'freezin' wind'! Heck we just barely Broke Spring here now! this year, had our last dumping of over a foot of snow on May 5th/!! Glad she's all 'melted away again, now though!! Hope we don't get ANYMORE!! Grass'll be late to come on by 2weeks, & going through hay like mad..just hope it lasts till we can kick 'em' out 'ta' pasture??! Have a Good Day Belle, n' say hi! to "Grampa n' the Brat' 'fer' me!! "Ketch" 'ya' on web-cam agin' reel' SOON!! "Hugs n handshakes" Shell n' Ron
shelly norgaard
USA - Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 11:24:39 (CDT)
Hey, I remember when "Love Me Tender" opened at the Rialto! The place was so packed it was standing room only. My dad let me sit on his shoulders so I could see the screen. I couldn't figure out why all the girls were crying at the end when Elvis' ghost sang the title song. Hmmm, come to think of it, I think JD and I spent a few evenings at "The Dirty Shame" saloon, too....only it had several other names at various times.
Mike <>
USA - Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 11:17:40 (CDT)
Ex Lax! Haw haw haw! Now thass funny!
Lefty <>
San Leon, TX USA - Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 06:05:13 (CDT)
That kid "Mikey" in the cartoon is brilliant! Eugene Manning remembers swimming under the bridge with me and Clyde? Aw come on, Gene, you're hallucinating!
Mike <>
USA - Monday, April 15, 2002 at 20:06:06 (CDT)
I remember swimming under the old iron bridge with Clyde Semar and Mike.
Eugene Manning <>
Waynesboro, PA USA - Sunday, April 07, 2002 at 11:41:24 (CDT)
Love U'r site,J.D.(got it thru W.Liddle's)Love to see "Belle n' Grampaw", take a trip, n' visit our ranch up in the North of Canda. They'd be 'swappin' 'snake-bite'kits for "snowshovels'; n' runnin' to 'git' the "calf-cozies" out & on the calves ears ta' keep 'em' from freezin' off! They could trade "air-conditionin' for "bit-warmers" & "in-truck-heaters" haha! I wouldn't say we can get "Cold" here, but I have seen the "barn-cats", "tannin' mouse hides" a time or two!! Maybe some of this will give you "fodder" for some "toons!" "your new-frozen-friend" "Equinaut" (shellyn.) We ranch @ Beaverlodge, Alberta: Canada. Raise "Commercial Beef" n' love team ropin' when we can..which hasn't bin' a spell...Too! much $$ right now while we spend yet more on the place n' build the herd. Really love your "toons"!! And will add to my "Favs" list!! (and don't let 'em' tell ya' there's such a thing as "Snow-snakes",hahaha!) Keep up the fine work, n' keep yorn' blankets dry, yorn' "bits warm" & yer' "woolies" handy!! "bye 'fer' now, "Equinaut"!!
shelly norgaard A.K.A. "Equinaut" <>
Beaverlodge, AB. /Canada - Friday, April 05, 2002 at 09:43:51 (CST)
I wish I had one of those Nehi root beers from Harber's store about now.
Mike <>
USA - Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 17:18:20 (CST)
Good grief, it really is Calliham back in the old days! The old school and the Texaco station sure look familiar. Who's that kid on the Shetland pony?
Mike <>
USA - Monday, March 18, 2002 at 20:45:08 (CST)
Hey JD, Long time no talk! Just checking in to see the new cartoon. Still lookin' great. Talk to ya later, ol' coot!
Del Rio <>
Osceola, NE USA - Monday, March 18, 2002 at 18:13:28 (CST)
Michael, I think it is about time we revisited the '50s. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.....
USA - Sunday, March 10, 2002 at 20:22:45 (CST)
Looks to me like the hatband of your sombrero has shrunken too tight and is cutting off the oxygen to your noodle. That doesn't look like a time machine Granpa is driving. It looks like a 1953 Chevy pickup to me.
Mike <>
USA - Sunday, March 10, 2002 at 12:37:00 (CST)
HOWDY from the world headquarters of Western Swing music - Cowboy Joe's Radio Ranch.
COWBOY JOE (radio name) <>
Manhattan, NY USA - Monday, February 18, 2002 at 10:25:18 (CST)
Hey JD, Looking great! Belle's gonna start sounding like me before too long if she keep talking to herself! Anyway, keep 'em coming, ya ol' coot! Di
DiAnna <>
Osceola, NE USA - Monday, February 04, 2002 at 13:27:08 (CST)
Johnny Dean, I'm so glad you shared your website with me this morning. I thoroughly enjoyed looking at the drawings and pictures of Old Calliham. What a blessing for everyone that you do this. Thanks. I still miss old Calliham. Barbara
Barbara (Lange) Paul <>
Three Rivers, TX USA - Sunday, February 03, 2002 at 18:12:10 (CST)
Great Art! Look for the Cowboy Cartoonery write up in FEB issue of Western Horseman. Maybe you'd fit in!? signed: Wendy Liddle, President - Cowboy Cartoonists International
Wendy Liddle <>
Creston, BC Canada - Saturday, January 26, 2002 at 11:12:28 (CST)
Who is this hombre who's shooting up the alligators? Ain't that some kinda crime or something? I hope there ain't no game wardens reading this stuff.
USA - Sunday, December 23, 2001 at 09:18:41 (CST)
I keep waiting for Belle and Annie to navigate their tail dragger into a formation of flying Elvises headed South for the winter. That would be interesting, huh?
USA - Monday, December 03, 2001 at 06:41:44 (CST)
Neat cartoon, JD. Belles flying mighty low, don't you think? No wonder her friend looks so nervous. WATCH OUT FOR THOSE WINDMILLS!
Rosalie Semar <>
Tuleta, Tx Tx USA? Yep! - Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 22:48:40 (CST)
Hey JD, Yes sir, I'm checkin' in again. Told ya I'd have more time once my classes changed! Cartoon is still lookin' great. Oh yea....what happened to ah...ol' Del Rio...hehe! Talk to ya later, ol' coot!
DiAnna <>
Osceola, Ne USA - Monday, November 12, 2001 at 18:45:57 (CST)
Your sight was recomended to me by a friend and what a hoot I could relate too well. Happy Trails to ya all.
Debbie Sandene <>
Pleasanton, Tx. USA - Monday, November 12, 2001 at 16:24:26 (CST)
Hey JD, Long time no talk! I finally got a chance to check out the new cartoon. Still lookin' good, as usual! Take care ya ol' coot!
Del Rio <>
Osceola, Ne USA - Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 13:55:03 (CST)
Hmmmm. The cowboy says "Boo" and the cow jumps in the trailer, huh? Ain't no cow I ever been around, that's for sure!
Mike <>
USA - Sunday, October 14, 2001 at 21:51:36 (CDT)
Hey JD, Thanks for telling everyone I'm gettin' old! You guessed my age a little off, I'm gonna be 19, but I'm still gonna act like I'm 8. (It's good for the soul!) Thanks again ya ol' coot!!:)
Del Rio <>
Osceola, Ne USA - Sunday, October 07, 2001 at 12:50:52 (CDT)
MUY GRANDE HAPPY BIRTHDAY to " DiAnna Del-Rio " { DiAnna Larson}!!!! Her friends say she"ll be about 14 years old in a few days!!!
J D Bedwell <>
Calliham, Tx USA - Thursday, October 04, 2001 at 07:59:39 (CDT)
Hey JD this is Lisa from the book store in Devine. I really like your site. Come see me soon, I will keep my eye out for some inspirational stuff for you.
Lisa Cromwell <>
Pleasanton, TX USA - Monday, October 01, 2001 at 13:07:17 (CDT)
I heard a noise out in the back yard early this morning. Sounded like somebody grunting and straining. When I stepped outside they ran off. I went to see what was left behind and I stepped in a big pile of Osama Bin Laden! Yuk!
Mike <>
USA - Sunday, September 30, 2001 at 20:26:32 (CDT)
J.D. it was great to visit you again, keep up the good work! Roger
Roger <>
Vct., Tx USA - Friday, September 28, 2001 at 11:48:56 (CDT)
Dang, it looks to me like J.D.'s been tearing off little squares of his drawing paper and rolling himself some of them funny cigarettes with it! What else would explain two female campers spending the night in an old haunted house, huffing scorched marshmallow fumes and hallucinating about ugly Indians? I like this kinky story line! Can't wait to see where it ends up.
Mike <>
USA - Sunday, September 09, 2001 at 22:45:59 (CDT)
Yep! We all have bad days! Some worse than others! I wonder who is driving Grampa's truck? Could it be John or Danial? Guess not-----I didn't see a telephone pole or a ditch out there anywhere!
Rosalie <>
USA - Sunday, August 19, 2001 at 08:53:49 (CDT)
My inside-the-house dogs have allergies and they scratch all night and make awful noise. My outside-the-house dog has fleas. My pregnant cat eloped with a neighborhood Tom. My mother-in-law moved in with us a couple of weeks ago. My wife just took her concealed handgun test and made a better score than mine. I woke up this morning to find my son has come over in the middle of the night for a visit and he's crashed on the living room sofa, so I don't dare go in that part of the house because I will disturb him. I thought it was going to be a bad day. Then I read "Grandpa's Bad Day" and decided it ain't so bad here after all.
Mike <>
USA - Sunday, August 12, 2001 at 09:29:41 (CDT)
Hey JD, Just checkin' up on the story, I've been busy this week. Oh, by the way, I ain't no cow thief! ;) di
DiAnna <>
Osceola, Ne USA - Tuesday, June 26, 2001 at 16:54:37 (CDT)
Just thought I would submit my new e-mail address so I can continue receiving the Sunday updates.
Nancy Calliham Steele <>
Aztec, NM USA - Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 19:28:02 (CDT)
Yea, whose the girl? Is she any kin to the guy in Calliham that fell off his horse and now walks on crutches?
Rosalie <>
Tuleta, Tx USA - Sunday, June 17, 2001 at 16:21:58 (CDT)
Just hope you hang on to this weeks original drawings. Saw a hand written typo and that makes it a real collectors Item. I bid $1.00
Cactus Kid in the Prickly Pear Mobil <>
Beeville, TX USA - Sunday, May 27, 2001 at 21:55:11 (CDT)
Just a note to say thanks for publishing me in your news. I was also a resident of Calliham and used to swing off that rope that hung over the river and the old iron bridge. Those were definitely the good old days.
Pamela McClaugherty <>
Tilden , USA - Monday, May 21, 2001 at 22:45:41 (CDT)
Hi cousin, It has been years since I have seen you in person, but it is nice to read your cartoons and stories. Me-Maw and Mom keep me up to date so I probably know more about you than you know about me. Keep the drawings coming...I have many fond memories of Calliham and swimming down at the crossing where you "big kids" would swing out on rope tied to the old metal bridge and land in the river...I couldn't wait to grow up some so I could try that!!! Glenda
Glenda L Harris <>
Arlington, TX USA - Sunday, May 20, 2001 at 07:39:48 (CDT)
I'm anxious to see what the large lady with the ridiculous hat does to Grandpa when she gets him out in the woods all alone! I really like the Las Vegas trip. We need more details about the hole in Rosalie's purse. Sounds like the story of my life...a hole in my pocket...that is.
Mike <>
USA - Thursday, May 17, 2001 at 14:57:50 (CDT)
Johnny Dean, I enjoyed the pictures you drew of the trip to Las Vegas we took. It sure brought back memories.
Rosalie <>
USA - Monday, May 14, 2001 at 22:45:19 (CDT)
YOU ARE SO TALENTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Donna Hubbard <>
Rainbow City, AL USA - Wednesday, May 02, 2001 at 09:33:15 (CDT)
I was referred by Bitty, also. She is a good friend. Thanks for the cartoons. Will send address to my brother.
Betty Kurtz <>
Pueblo, CO USA - Wednesday, April 25, 2001 at 21:04:34 (CDT)
Just a note to say hello. I am Bitty's daughter. Chris told me about Pamela's picture.
Teresa Cook <>
Conroe, TX USA - Tuesday, April 24, 2001 at 18:48:15 (CDT)
Hey, Pard - VERY INTERESTING!!! Thanks for the invite! I'll have to check back to see what happens! Now, gotta get back to fixin' Cowboy BB Guns and making Holster & Belt Rigs. See ya down the trail, Pard, Old Injun
Two Silver Fox (Old Injun) <>
Myrtle Creek, OR USA - Tuesday, April 10, 2001 at 02:41:59 (CDT)